Tag Archive | spies

Seduced by your Spell by Lois Greiman

6122521[1]Synopsis: Lady Madeline Redcombe was gifted. She and a group of women were chosen to serve their country with their individual special abilities and controlled by a handler, Jasper. Jasper was always attracted to Madeline and that was why he had to be extra cold and aloof with her. She did not understand how he and his superiors could ignore the disappearance of young women across London and she vows if they do not assist her she would leave and find them herself.

Jasper was desperate to get her back not only because Lavender House felt empty without her but also because his superiors warned that if she continued disobeying them, they would be forced to end her existence. Jasper could not allow that. He had to team up with her, get that out of her system and then they could return to normal, or so he hoped.

Rating: 1/5

Comments: Snore. There were amusing elements and characters but the interaction between the main characters was blah and the presentation of the story was blah. There was a magical fight scene but that wasn’t much of a fight. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

No longer a gentleman by Mary Jo Putney

Synopsis: Grey Sommers had been a cocky young English lord who believed his bedroom skills would induce the wife of an alleged French anarchist to reveal secrets about him. As punishment, the husband imprisoned him in his personal dungeon for a slow, pain filled death. Grey would have gone mad if an old priest had not been placed in the cell beside his own walls. After 10 years of the same routine, he was shocked when his cell door suddenly opened to reveal an old woman claiming she’d come to rescue him. Not so shocking, he felt embarrassed when his body was attracted to hers. He felt less so when he realized she was younger than she seemed yet wise on how to recondition him into society.

Cassie Fox was the latest alias Cassandra went by. Once a treasured English miss who got trapped in France during the revolution, she eventually escaped to England and presented herself as a spy against France and the dictator who inadvertently killed her family and made her lose everything. She favored the disguise of an old woman and could not miss the opportunity to rescue the jailed men, thankfully one was the man she looked for. It was a long journey back to England when one was being chased but together they returned closer than ever. They did not wish to part but he was a future lord and she considered herself unworthy of him despite his protests. She would do one last favor for him by pretending to be his fiancé when word of his father’s imminent death was announced. He was not ready for society. He did not like crowds and there was an animalistic rage inside him that only her gentle voice and touch could calm but she did not want him dependent on her so she left. She had to return when she discovered the old priest had been recaptured and that Grey would want to rescue him. He was not going to let her leave him a second time…

Rating: 3/5

Comments: I liked that she was a spy and the disguises she used throughout the book. She had a difficult few years and it is understandable why she didn’t return to her lordly uncle: She wanted revenge and she did not feel as innocent as they would want her to be.  They caught me, I thought the brother was gonna be the bait instead so nice one! Overall I liked it. It was one or two of the Lost lords series I’m sure I read one of their books before…